Making up for lost ground...
The Education Company supported the marketing efforts of over 100 education brands in 2020.
We understand that the BETT Show is a key event in the marketing calendar, and its cancellation may have caused your brand a big headache, so we wanted to offer you the opportunity to contact those individuals that you've missed out on meeting at the show.
All of our packages below are underpinned by our market-leading and GDPR-compliant Spirit database of educational contacts in the UK and internationally.

Primary Establishments
6 x emails, 2 x social posts & bespoke landing page
Audience: 71,000
Establishments: 22,329
This audience is made up of UK Primary establishments and includes Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders, Subject Co-ordinators and ICT contacts.
All for £6,100
A saving of £1,000+

International Establishments
6 x emails, 2 x social posts & bespoke landing page
Audience: 10,800
Establishments: 8,126
This audience is made up of International schools and includes Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders, Subject Heads and ICT contacts.
All for £5,100
A saving of £1000+

Secondary Establishments
6 x emails, 2 x social posts & bespoke landing page
Audience: 67,000
Establishments: 5,477
This audience is made up of UK Secondary establishments and includes Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders, Subject Heads and ICT contacts.
All for £6,100
A saving of £1,000+

All Establishments
18 x emails, 6 x social posts & 3 bespoke landing pages
Audience: 150,000+
Establishments: 35,000+
This audience is made up of all schools and includes Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders, Subject Heads and ICT contacts.
All for £15,800
A saving of over £4,000
Our customers
EdCo are proud continue to support some the biggest and best suppliers in the education sector for over the last 30+ years!